Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Yeah, I don't know how to do that

Items of interest for the week:  

10/2/12 - (Day, Month, Year)  It actually makes sense if you think about it.

Just to start with.  Business class flight?  Yeah.  Freaking awesome.  Worth 3x coach.  I don't know about that.  But it is pretty nice.  Good wine I couldn't pronounce, business guy next to me snores like a freight train, watched "Bad Teacher," it was pretty good.  Extreme coupon-ing, millionaire match maker, sleep.  Kinda uneventful to be honest.  I found someway to lodge my seat belt underneath the chair so I was unbuckled for landing.  It's OK though, no one checks for flight positions, electronics, seat belts or anything except for comfort level in 1st class.  Definitely nice.

So, I arrived at Frankfort Airport waiting on flight to Dammam.  I arrive at 12:00, and it's a 4 hour layover.  Simple enough, should leave at 4:00. Unfortunately I forget, actually just straight up forget, I'm trying to make conversation with some of the people in the business lounge, take a nap, shower, etc... thinking that the flight is at 6:00.  I casually make my way over to the gate, and notice that everyone is gone.  Pull out the ticket.  $%^+!!!.  Well, to the ticket desk I go.  Thank goodness everyone speaks English.  I would have been way screwed otherwise.  The guy at the desk tells me that I missed the last flight of the night....and the following day.  Uh-oh.  Now what?  Oh, and to make it a little more complicated, I bought a Continental (United) ticket, and my flight to Damam was via Luthansa.  Different airlines that partner.  Luthansa has no ability to book a Continental flight to another airline.  Makes sense.  Still sucks though.

80% of max heart rate

"Sir you will have to go to the continental booth to see what they can do."  OK.  Walk over there,
and they're closed.

90% heart rate.

Starting to feel the right side of my body going numb.  Figure that if I have a stroke, at least i'll have a better reason for missing the flight.  (Even though stroke would be  3 hours after I missed flight).  I call our HR guy (thank goodness I still had a company cell phone.)  He says "Well, looks like you're getting a hotel."  I start freaking out a little more at the airport, trying to figure out what to do.  Slightly excited about the opportunity to tour Frankfurt the following day, although I really shouldn't be.  After bugging the grumpy info desk lady I get a phone number, and call Continental.

Blah blah blah, and they mention that KLM had a flight early the following day.  OK.  Call the HR guy asking if I can just buy another ticket to get to Saudi quicker.  Answer:  yes.  Alright, to KLM.  I tell the KLM person I need the quickest flight to Dammam, and KLM was it.  Her answer:  nope.  Try Emirates, they have a flight in an hour.  Done.  I run over there, but they're not accepting tickets at this time, try Qatar, or Etihad.  Qatar is on the other side of the airport, so I got to Etihad.  They have a flight for 10pm that evening, and it's 7:00 pm now.  Sweet, I book the flight (coach.  no business available, sad panda).  The flight goes to Abu Dhabi, and then goes to Dammam, with an hour layover.  Alright, I buy flight, and walk 5 feet over to and check in.

50% heart rate.

The check in attendant tells me that the flight to Dammam is a standby ticket.  WHAT?!  Why didn't anyone else tell me this!  Fine, too late now.  Time to hang out at the airport.   You go on one business ticket flight, and you realize that coach sucks.  No priority check-in, no awesome lounge to hang in.  I play spider solitaire, take a poo, and wait it out.  Eventually it's almost time to leave, the ticket person's able to get me a confirmed ticket for Dammam, and I'm feeling pretty good.  And then I see this:
Well, more like this:

Hey, this is going to be a pretty good flight.  Now I REALLY wish I had a business ticket.  In case you're wondering, third highest rated in terms of good looking stewardesses.

Flight's not bad, there's an overbearing group of Germans that I sit next to.  I move seats a couple of times, to accommodate people who wanted to sit together, it doesn't matter to me.  I spend the rest of the flight watching movies, and passing out randomly for 20 minute sets.  Just enough to wake up, and awkwardly look at the stewardesses in this groggy creepy stare.  I really just woke up, I wasn't gawking.  Promise!  (WTF is this website?)

I'm in the back of the plane, and I have 1 hour layover.  Hmm, this is going to be bad.  And yes, there is a long line of people.  Oh, and also, you have to go through security again.  Man.  Run, run, run.

90% max heart rate again.

Plead my case to security to let me go through the first class line because at this point I have 40 minutes until the plane leaves.  Oh, and by the way.  Personal space is not allowed in the middle east.  It's a sign of weakness.  I'm standing at the normal distance you'd give someone in the US, and I get cut by a couple in the security line.  I am mean mugging the heck out of them.  They don't seem to be phased.  No reason to try to start a fight when the security guard has a rifle.  I'll just pierce their souls with my angry laser eyes.  No one catches on fire from my staring.  Maybe slight internal burns, but I didn't follow up with the married 5' tall midgets, I had a flight to catch.  Run run run again.  and I make the last bus on the plane.  Whew.

Flight back pretty normal.  I'm tired, and the stewardess is pretty cute.  Not very friendly.  I look pretty much like this:
The guys in front of me have a very strong curry smell to them.  Meh.

I accidentally leave my iPhone on the plane, try to get back on the plane, and surprise, security, which is Army at this point, not so happy.  I give him a puppy dog look, and he lets me go to the ramp, where they were able to find it.  Wow.  Freaking lucky.

Customs.  Yeah, it took 3.5 hours.  3.45 hours of it standing in line.  Here's how the order went:

1.  All persons with a multi-entry pass.
2.  Women
3.  Chinese Passports
4.  Japanese
5.  Koreans
6.  Hey you, where are you from?  "US"
7.  Fine, you, and the other Asian guy behind you.
8.  Indian guys.

It's a whole ordeal.  Fingerprints, and a photo.  Just for entry.  A guy I worked with in Houston, and one of the guys that hired me pick me up at the airport.  Thanks for waiting.  Oh, and they never sent my luggage.  It's in Frankfurt.  Meh.  I eat, and proceed to sleep for 15 hours straight.  I got work the next day.

Work's the way you'd expect.  Lots of hellos, a bunch of names to remember.  The lunchroom is 10 Saudi Riyals.  Or $2.66.  It's a ridiculous amount of food too.  It's cafeteria style.  Point to whatever you want to eat.  As much as you'd like.  Pretty tasty.  Hummas and baba ghanoush for every meal.  Very high carb/starchy food every meal.  Man, I'm going to get fat.  I learn quickly that you can order it to-go, and you can eat 1/2 of it . Still a ton of food even split in 1/2.  Gotta go get chest x-ray and blood sample to get residency (Iqama).  It's an open clinic.  Don't want to sound snobby, but that place was very third world.  Run down, and everything that didn't have to be sterile and clean, wasn't.  Everyone knew what they were doing, so I shouldn't complain.  It was just different than what I think about when I go to a clinic or Hospital.   I won't complain about our health system in the states again.

More hellos, and stuff.  Went to a place called Sailor's with some friends from USA work.  I forgot that ordering a kilo of food between 3 people is a lot of food again.  Did I mention, "man, i'm going to get fat."

Got my luggage in.  Yay!  No customs coming in a taking everything out of the bag.  It's kinda nice.  It's just as well.  I forgot to tighten the thyme, sugar, and salt shakers.  Tasty though.  Made a very interesting blend of flavor.  In my shoes, and a few pairs of clothing. D'oh!  Poker is on Mondays.  They made gumbo which was awesome.  Got busted going all in with a king high flush draw. on the river.  Unfortunately there were two flush draws on the table.  

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not recognize Valentines Day.  Or singles awareness day, or whatever clever Facebook thing people made that day.  It was laundry and leftovers day.  I love "Kitchen Nightmares."  And falling asleep on the couch.

Yay, it's the weekend!  Not too much party rocking going on tonight.  I had a peanut butter and banana sandwich.  Pretty nice.  Should have gone to gym.  Decided to blog instead.  Had to poop at work.  Yup, squat toilets.  Didn't quite know how to do that.  I was able to not poop in my pants, so I consider that a victory.  Apparently there are both squat and normal, and that I just need to check.  That'll be good for days that are let's say, less solid.  TMI!
Wish I would have read this before I tried it:

Note to **


      Sorry I've been bad about writing back to you guys.  I guess it's just apathy.  The hours are definitely a little longer here, and I've been making it a point to get the proper amount of sleep, so that I can function.  I'm surprised that I do better with a routine.  So far it's wake up at 5:00, eat a bowl of cereal, get on the bus, go to work, leave around 5, 5:30, eat the other 1/2 of lunch, watch something on the slingbox, do some reading, or surfing, and go to sleep around 8:30 - 9.  Rinse and repeat.  I need to fit going to the gym in between there too.  Especially since the majority of food is high carb.  Rice with french fries on top, and hummus.

      I haven't gone exploring yet, I get home when it's dark, so there's not much to see.  I'll try to do it tomorrow, and let you all know what's out there.  Apparently there's alot, beach, gym, etc... There's a little store in the compound, so I said screw it and bought some soap, and random things.  It's pretty pricey.  Similar to gas store prices to buy things that you'd need.  The apartment is great.  It's fully furnished, and really big.  There's nothing really that I need here.  It's a king size bed which is really nice.  The internet is good, not great, enough to browse, and do short streaming.  It may not do so well with netflix, and amazon. Its been ok for slingbox.  Sometimes it'll throttle really bad, but that's not the end of the world by any means.  I should probably read more anyways.  It's a two bed 1.5 bathroom apartment.  The only thing that surprised me was that there was not a microwave in the apartment.  I'll have to go buy one.  The plugs are all Saudi type, so I do have to purchase some more adapters for all my stuff.  I was lucky that I remembered to buy a router before I left, so that I have wireless internet in the house.

As for the people here, it's interesting, and I'll know better after the weekend about what all the people do on the weekend.  The "single" people all live in apartments, and the married with kids live in townhomes.  From the hours that we work, I don't see too many people around.  Everyone seems nice, but not big about wanting to hang out.  Maybe it's because they're working as much as I am, the 10 hour days are tiring.  We have drivers that take us everywhere, including work.  It's a good thing for sure.  People drive very aggressively, maybe that's not the right word, they drive like idiots out here.  It's apparently very common to see major accidents weekly.  For example, flashing your lights gives you a free pass to cut across multiple lanes of traffic to make a turn.  The shoulder is considered a passing lane.  It's cool to see that most cars here are manual transmissions.  I need to apply for my Saudi driver's license, before I can drive a vehicle of course.

The weather has been amazing, almost cool outside.  I know that this is only temporary however.  We'll see how hot the warehouse gets.  There is a air conditioned side, and a closed side.  It has vents to let the heat out, but it will still be hot.

Work is amazing in terms of its scale and size.  I haven't ever worked bagging lines before, so it's all very new and very cool to me.  These numbers are approximate, but we have bagging machines that will take 25 kg of plastic pellets, and put them into bags, and then put the bags onto pallets all automatically at a rate of 40 bags a minute.  We have the ability to bag 230 TONS of stuff every hour.  That's a crazy amount.

We have over 400 people working in just the bagging department, and most of them are fork truck drivers.  The majority of them are Filipino's.  They all speak English very well which was surprising to some degree.  Everyone works hard, and is driven, which make life much easier.  Especially as crazy as it's going to be once we actually start.

The staff at the company is very diversified.  There are a required number of Saudi workers that are in different levels of the organization.  A very large number of Indians, and Filipinos are around.  The Indians and Filipinos are more laborers however, which is a shame, since most of them have 4 year college degrees, and are much more qualified.  It definitely makes me feel lucky that I was born in the states.  Everyone else is American.  I will remain at Murjan village as long as I am working for SPCo, which is nice, that I won't have to move around so much.

It's only been a week, but I can definitely tell that I'm going to miss you guys.  Everything that I've experienced, and that I am experiencing is different.  Not bad in anyways.  There isn't anything that I can say that I just hate, but will require getting used to.  When I am exposed to so many new things, it's always nice to have something familiar to come back to.  For me, it's family.  So I definitely miss you guys, and can't wait to see you all again in a couple of months.


Oh, and to *****,
There's nothing wrong about writing blog posts about the things that interest you.  Now if the only things in the world that interest you are worldly things and guys, well that's a different story altogether.  The symbolism of cockroaches in the mind though.  Bleah.  The one thing I hate more than anything is cockroaches.  So dirty, and unnatural.  So when you have cockroach thought, all I can think of is dirty thoughts that are radiation proof about the world and boys?  Hmm... dirty thoughts about boys huh?  Tsk tsk.

You being crazy, well that's a totally different discussion.  My hands are too tired to write that novel.  :-)  You mention some pretty deep stuff.  I don't worry too much about paradigm shifts though.  Those labyrinths though can be difficult to get out of, but you just need to look at them with a different perspective.
BTW, I do miss our conversations, I'm going to have to figure out how to start those with you again.  

That's all I can think about writing right now.

1 comment:

  1. So I read your posts, that Josh Moony guy's tumbler account is ridiculous, I got sucked in and had to tell myself not to waste anymore time.

    Good news, I have a summer job and apparently am not getting fired. Phew.

    I miss talking to you too. These days I feel super restless. Go figure.
