Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Rambling, rambling, rambling

So at some point, I was considering making a very structured blog, it would start off with the highlights of the week, and a letter to someone important in my life.  Sounded like a good idea, and I'll try to maintain that at a minimum.  I think when it comes down to it, there are two reasons why people blog:
1.  To keep a diary of events that happened in their lives so that they don't forget what happened.
2.  They're bored, or feeling strongly about something, and want to vent, and no one's picking up the phone.

Based on the number of drinks I've had, I'm in category 2, but not intensely, just kinda buzzed.  And I'll continue drinking throughout, so the diction, syntax and verbiage might get worse and worse and worse.  I hope there's some hilarity.

So, what's going on in my mind right now?  I am T-minus 2 hours before I get on a plane to Frankfurt, and then to Saudi Arabia.  More specifically, Dammam, and a drive to Jubail.  Oh, I'm also in a United first class awesomeness known as the presidents's club, or whatever business class allows.  Free drinks and snack food. Not that you want to know the explicit details, but I will let you know anyways:

Three different types of crackers, wheat, sesame, and butter white.
Three different types of cheese, jalapeno jack, cheddar, and some other white cheese.
White chocolate raisins, trail mix, and that spicy mix you can buy in the stores where there is way too much pretzels, and not enough of that over-seasoned spicy one that everyone likes.  Mental note, if you eat all that cheese, make sure you're not lactose intolerant.  Bad news bears for someone.

Oh, the important part.  DRINKS:  (Free)

Beefeaters, Seagrams, Kahlua, Baileys Disarono, Jim Beam, Some Assy canadian stuff (NOT Crown, that's 8 bucks) Jose, and something I can't squint and read at the moment.

What Have I done for the last few hours you ask?
3:00 Beam and diet (i know, i know, it makes me feel better alright?)
3:15 bEAM AND DIET, (caps lock!!!!)
3:30 - Assy Canadian and diet
4:00 - White Russian
4:30 - Blogging too fast to keep up with drinks.
4:35 - Remind myself that I won't be able to drink again for like 2 weeks, until I go into Bahrain.
4:45 - Cheated in words with friends, still losing to James.  Bastard.
4:47 - Eat a Pretzel
4:47 - Realize I have to pee, but I don't want to leave all my stuff here.  Rich people don't steal right?
Answer:  Only from the poor.
4:48 -Decide to ponder the pee conundrum with another drink.
4:48 -Gin and Tonic.
4:50 - Screw it I have to pee, get nudged by some dude who smirks at me, I immediately decide to profile, and then choose not to because it's awful.
4:55 - Walk back, realizing I'm wearing compression socks in case I get deep vein thrombosis.  I feel like I should go on a run instead.  Shouldn't do it at an airport.
5:02 - Decide to go on reddit.  Uh oh, this will suck my soul for another hour.  Which is probably good.  i need to not drink as much.  There will be more on the plane.  Ahhh!  Bowser Story of my life
5:09 - Me on the plane in about one hour:
5:20 - Second story of my life.  Plus 1.5 inches.
5:22 -  And I'm out.  Thank you everyone, i'm going to see what's on the third floor.

More to come as I keep drinking and writing.  

Everyone here is really old, and better dressed than me.  At least I have my youth.  Eat that old people!  Everyone also has IPads.  Good for you.  I am the only person with an alienware laptop, and I am happy.  Albeit it weighs more than anything anyone else has, it'll kick your dad's viao all over the block bitches.  Not too many lookers, and no one is drinking as fast as me.  I freaked out the lady filling up the trail mix by saying hello.  I may not have control over the loudness of my voice.  Wasn't that in Anchorman?  She looks tired.  I'll be quiet next time.  Bartender shows me his credit card, it's a Sapphire credit card, and it's made of metal.  Very heavy.
Dustin did mention something about the air being really dry, and getting dehydrated might be a big problem.  I'll let you know later.  It is customary to tip the bartender a dollar per drink.  This has a 75% hit rate.  I'm quickly running out of dollars (Which is rare for me)  LOUD NOISES!  Some dude dropped something next to me.  I eeked out a fart.  Hope no one notices.  The japanese Business man may be on to me, and the dishonor in my pants.  My white Russian tastes like chocolate flavored vodka.  I think that's acceptable.  The more I drink, the less vodka I taste.  Hmm, there might be a reason for this.  Alright. That's about all i can write right now.  Oh, by the way, Darcy wrote a goodbye thing in her blog.  So mad props to that.  If you want to read about what married people do when they live in the boonies, I'll attach a link later.  It's mostly cats, coupons, cats, school, and more cat pictures. Oh, and some crazy kegger in May.  I'll update drink chart, and add anything that may come to mind in a bit.    From here refer back to time line.  I am no additional commentary.

Thank you for your patience,

Huy Dang

1 comment:

  1. Hi Huy,
    I was going to write, but I am really sick. I have this weird infection, in my lungs, it's moving up to my nose and head. It's really hard to do anything other than sleep. Take care, will write soon!
